We've included a new field "whitepaper" under "links" section for /coins/{id} endpoint

Example of responses:

  "id": "bitcoin",
  "links": {
    "homepage": [],
    "whitepaper": "https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf", πŸ‘ˆ
    "blockchain_site": [],
    "official_forum_url": [],
    "chat_url": [],
    "announcement_url": [],
    "twitter_screen_name": "bitcoin",
    "facebook_username": "bitcoins",
    "bitcointalk_thread_identifier": null,
    "telegram_channel_identifier": "",
    "subreddit_url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/",
    "repos_url": {}

The following data is now deprecated for /coins/{id} endpoint:

  • coingecko_rank
  • coingecko_score
  • developer_score
  • community_score
  • liquidity_score
  • public_interest_score
  • public_interest_stats
  • alexa_rank
  • bing_matches

Pool data now returns transaction stats for the last 1 hour. Unique buyers and sellers in the last 1 hour and 24 hours are now returned in the response

The web_slug data is now available in the following endpoints.

This addition allows users to accurately link to a CoinGecko coin page using www.coingecko.com/en/{web_slug}.

Example of responses:

  "id": "bitcoin",
  "symbol": "btc",
  "name": "Bitcoin",
  "web_slug": "bitcoin", πŸ‘ˆ
  "tickers": [...]

For the /asset_platforms endpoint, we've introduced the native_coin_id data. This enables users to obtain the coin ID of different blockchain networks or asset platforms that may not have a contract address to look up

Example of responses:

  "id": "polygon-pos",
  "chain_identifier": 137,
  "name": "Polygon POS",
  "shortname": "MATIC", 
  "native_coin_id": "matic-network" πŸ‘ˆ