We have added a new field, "details_platform," to the /coins/{id} and /coins/{asset_platform_id}/contract/{contract_address} endpoints responses.

The field contains information about the asset platform, specifically the "decimal_places," providing details on the decimal places associated with the asset platform.

Example of responses:

  "id": "arbitrum",
  "symbol": "arb",
  "name": "Arbitrum",
  "web_slug": "arbitrum",
  "asset_platform_id": "arbitrum-one",
  "platforms": {},
  "detail_platforms": {
      "arbitrum-one": { πŸ‘ˆ
      	"decimal_place": 18, πŸ‘ˆ
      	"contract_address": "0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548" πŸ‘ˆ

We've enhanced the /exchanges/{id} endpoint by adding two new fields, public_notice and alert_notice.

These additions provide information on public notices and alerts associated with the specified exchange.

Example of responses:

  "name": "Uniswap V3 (Ethereum)",
  "centralized": false,
  "public_notice": "This page refers to Uniswap V3. This is an alpha release of the exchange tracker, we will continue to improve the stats here specifically for the new approach introduced by the V3 protocol. For Uniswap V2, please refer to https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/uniswap-v2-ethereum", πŸ‘ˆ
  "alert_notice": "", πŸ‘ˆ
  "status_updates": []

We've implemented a category filter, currently limited to "decentralized_finance_defi," for the /coins/markets endpoint.

This addition allows users to filter and retrieve market data specifically related to decentralized finance (DeFi) within the endpoint.

We've introduced three new fields atl, atl_change_percentage, and atl_date to the responses of /coins/markets endpoint.

These additions provide valuable data on the all-time low (atl) price, percentage change since the all-time low, and the date of the all-time low for improved analysis and insights.

Example of responses:

  "id": "bitcoin",
  "symbol": "btc",
  "ath": 69045,
  "ath_change_percentage": -38.01241,
  "ath_date": "2021-11-10T14:24:11.849Z",
  "atl": 67.81, πŸ‘ˆ
  "atl_change_percentage": 63017.26399, πŸ‘ˆ
  "atl_date": "2013-07-06T00:00:00.000Z", πŸ‘ˆ
  "roi": null,
  "last_updated": "2024-02-05T07:23:50.583Z"

Starting from April 14th, 2020, there's a crucial update to the /coins/{id}/tickers API endpoint. Previously, the converted_last value represented the converted price per coin in USD. Now, it will accurately reflect the market price of the base currency itself.

For example, if querying coins/tether/tickers, and there's a BTC/USDT ticker pair, the old converted_last might show 6491.51 USD. After the update, it will return 1, representing the actual market price of Tether.

If you utilize converted_last for calculations, be aware of potential breaking changes and take necessary actions. If it's solely for display, no action is required, as this update ensures a more accurate representation of the intended value.

Example of responses:

  "name": "Tether",
  "tickers": [
    "base": "BTC",
    "target": "USDT",
    "converted_last": {
      "btc": 0.00002336, //USDT price in BTC
      "eth": 0.00043493, // USDT price in ETH
      "usd": 0.99901 πŸ‘ˆ //showing USDT price instead of Bitcoin Price
    "coin_id": "bitcoin",
    "target_coin_id": "tether"
