Onchain: Simple Price - Extended Token Addresses Limit from 30 to 100

Token Price by Token Addresses now allows to input up to 100 contract addresses, instead of 30.

  • You may now retrieve data of up to 100 token prices of a specific network, in one single request.

Onchain: Recently Updated Info - Added Filter by Network

Most Recently Updated Token List now allows to filter by blockchain network, by flagging the network parameter. e.g. network=eth.

  • You can use the network parameter to retrieve the 100 most recently updated token info of a specific network.
  • View list of supported network via Supported Networks List endpoint.

NFT Collection Data - Included Banner Image

NFTs Collection Data by ID now provides banner image of a NFT collection.

View banner image example on: https://www.coingecko.com/en/nft/pudgy-penguins

  "symbol": "PPG",
  "image": {
    "small": "https://coin-images.coingecko.com/nft_contracts/images/38/small/da64989d9762c8a61b3c65917edfdf97.png?1707287183"
  "banner_image": "https://coin-images.coingecko.com/nft_contracts/images/38/pudgy-penguins-banner.png?1708416126",

Global Market Chart - Improved Daily Data Update

Previously, for Global Market Cap Chart Data endpoint , the daily data is returned at 23:00 UTC. We've made improvement to return daily data at 00:00 UTC.

The last completed UTC day (00:00) is available 5 minutes after midnight on the next UTC day (00:05). The cache will always expire at 00:05 UTC. If you wish to get the latest daily data (00:00 UTC), you can make request at 00:05 UTC or later.

Asset Platforms - Included Images of Blockchain Network Logos

Asset Platforms List (ID Map) now provides the logos of blockchain networks.

For example:

    "image": {
      "thumb": "https://coin-images.coingecko.com/asset_platforms/images/93/thumb/AN_logomark.png?1706606703",
      "small": "https://coin-images.coingecko.com/asset_platforms/images/93/small/AN_logomark.png?1706606703",
      "large": "https://coin-images.coingecko.com/asset_platforms/images/93/large/AN_logomark.png?1706606703"

Coins Categories - Included Ids of Top 3 Coins

Coins Categories List with Market Data now provides coins id of the top 3 coins of a category.

For example:

"top_3_coins_id": [

Circulating Supply Chart and Total Supply Chart - Fixed '0' data issue

For the following Enterprise-plan exclusive endpoints below, there was a bug that returned wrong '0' value in the payload. This is fixed and will no longer return wrong '0' value in the payload.

  1. 👑 Circulating Supply Chart by ID
  2. 👑 Circulating Supply chart within Time Range by ID
  3. 👑 Total Supply Chart by ID
  4. 👑 Total Supply Chart within time range by ID

We've added 'user_favorites_count', and 'ath' (all-time-high) related data to the following NFT endpoints:

Example of responses:

  "user_favorites_count": 3660,
  "ath": {
    "native_currency": 22.9,
    "usd": 67535
  "ath_change_percentage": {
    "native_currency": -59.825327510917,
    "usd": -64.3396788440525
  "ath_date": {
    "native_currency": "2024-02-17T09:25:05.056Z",
    "usd": "2024-02-29T11:45:08.150Z"

As part of our commitment to improving data quality and enhancing the consistency of asset information, we are rolling out an asset standardization initiative at CoinGecko.

What is asset standardization?
Standardization involves refining how we classify and display assets. By systematically organizing asset listings into more precise categories - such as native, bridged, or wrapped tokens each following specific naming conventions, we aim to eliminate confusion and enhance data reliability.

What changes should I expect?
The most notable change is that non-native token contracts previously grouped under native asset listings will now be assigned their own distinct pages.

For example, a bridged version of USDT that might have been aggregated under the original, native USDT page, will now be featured on a dedicated page specifically for that bridged variant.

Additionally, there may be varying levels of changes in various aggregated data points of the standardized assets, including trading volume, supply, market cap rankings, etc., due to misplaced contracts being transitioned away from the original page to accurately reflect their true metrics.

Focus for Q3 2024
Our efforts this quarter will concentrate on three major assets:

**For full list of FAQs and updated infomation, please refer here

Tips and FAQs for API users

1. How does this affect my current API setup?

The following CoinGecko API endpoints will be impacted, with full details tracked in this spreadsheet. We encourage you to make the necessary adjustments and enable edit notifications on the Google Sheets, to receive real-time updates when non-native token contracts have been successfully standardized.


  • /simple/price
  • /simple/token_price/{id}


  • /coins/markets
  • /coins/{id}
  • /coins/{id}/tickers
  • /coins/{id}/history
  • /coins/{id}/market_chart
  • /coins/{id}/market_chart/range
  • /coins/{id}/ohlc
  • /coins/{id}/ohlc/range
  • /coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chart
  • /coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chart/range
  • /coins/{id}/total_supply_chart
  • /coins/{id}/total_supply_chart/range


  • /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}
  • /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart
  • /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range


  • /exchanges/{id}/tickers
  • /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart
  • /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart/range

2. Do I have to make changes to my API?

No changes are necessary if you do not need data for non-native token contracts that will be separated away from the native tokens.

3. What will happen to the coins that are separated into a new coin page?

Historical data for new non-native or bridged assets will only be available from the date of asset page creation (i.e. stnadardized). To access historical data prior to the asset standardization, we recommend retrieving data from the original native assets.

4. How do I identify the list of coins that will be separated?

For a finalised list of token contracts and API IDs that have been separated from its native asset page and listed individually, please refer to this Google Sheets

You may also identify the list of bridged coins via API: you may also use /categories/list endpoint to look for bridged categories such as:

  1. bridged-usdc
  2. bridged-wbtc
  3. bridged-weth

Then you may use /coins/market endpoint to retrieve the list of coins

We've introduced a new endpoint /coins/{id}/ohlc/range.

This endpoint allows you to get the OHLC chart (Open, High, Low, Close) of a coin within a range of timestamp based on particular coin id.

Please note that this endpoint is available exclusively for paid plan subscribers only.

We've expanded functionality to include support for the interval=hourly parameter within the /coins/{id}/ohlc endpoint.

Users can use this parameter to retrieve OHLC (Open/High/Low/Close) data on a hourly interval for up to 90 days of the date range.

Example of endpoint request:


We've now enhanced the /coins/list endpoint to include inactive coins

  • You may access the inactive coins by specifying status=inactive in your query
  • Example of endpoint request:

Additionally, historical data for inactive coins can be queried using their IDs in the following endpoints:

Please note that these features are available exclusively for paid plan subscribers only

We've introduced a new endpoint /key for conveniently monitoring your account's API usage, including rate limits and remaining credits.

Example of responses:

  "plan": "Other",
  "rate_limit_request_per_minute": 1000,
  "monthly_call_credit": 1000000,
  "current_total_monthly_calls": 307,
  "current_remaining_monthly_calls": 999693
  • image_url is now returned in the token response for pools and tokens endpoints:

    Example of responses:

     "data": {
        "id": "eth_0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
        "type": "token",
        "attributes": {
          "address": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
          "name": "Tether USD",
          "symbol": "USDT",
          "image_url": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/325/small/Tether.png?1696501661", 👈
          "market_cap_usd": "100719721661.467"
        "relationships": {}
  • We've added sorting parameters such as order= h24_volume_usd_desc and order= h24_tx_count_desc for /pools endpoints

  • The 'token' parameter within the /ohlcv endpoint can now accept a token address, provided it exists in the queried pool, to return OHLCV data
    Example of endpoint request (token=0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2):

  • /ohlcv endpoint now includes the base and target token metadata in the response
    Example of responses:

      "data": {
        "id": "46303eb4-fba1-44f3-a3c8-c542e4cd5d1a",
        "type": "ohlcv_request_response",
        "attributes": {
          "ohlcv_list": []
      "meta": {
        "base": {
          "address": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
          "name": "Tether USD",
          "symbol": "USDT",
          "coingecko_coin_id": "tether"
        "quote": {
          "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
          "name": "Wrapped Ether",
          "symbol": "WETH",
          "coingecko_coin_id": "weth"