4. Get On-Chain Data

Here are some of the important parameters to take note while using On-Chain DEX API Endpoints:

  • Blockchain Networks
  • DEXes
  • Pool Contract Address
  • Token Contract Address

Blockchain Networks



  • Please do not use CoinGecko Asset Platform ID as the Network ID in On-Chain DEX API Endpoints (CoinGecko Asset Platform ID β‰  GT Network ID)**
  • Example:
    • Asset Platform on CoinGecko: ethereum
    • On-Chain Network ID: eth

How to obtain Network ID?

  • Use /onchain/networks endpoint
    Example of responses:

      "data": [
          "id": "eth",  πŸ‘ˆ Network ID
          "type": "network",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Ethereum",
            "coingecko_asset_platform_id": "ethereum" πŸ‘ˆ CoinGecko Asset Platform ID
  • Go to GeckoTerminal

    1. Select or search for a blockchain network
    2. Copy the slug from the URL


Some of the pools endpoints require you to provide DEX ID along with Network ID to query the pools on a particular DEX (Decentralized Exchange)

Using /onchain/networks/{network}/dexes/{dex}/pools as example:


There are 2 parameter values required to apply for this endpoint:

  • network: eth (network id)
  • dex: uniswap_v3 (dex id)

How to obtain DEX ID?

  • Use /onchain/networks/{network}/dexes endpoint
    Example of responses:

      "data": [
          "id": "uniswap_v2", πŸ‘ˆ DEX ID
          "type": "dex",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Uniswap V2"
  • Go to GeckoTerminal

    1. Select or search for a blockchain network
    2. Choose the DEX from the DEXes List on the top (Eg. Uniswap V3)
    3. Copy the slug from the URL

Methods to query On-Chain Data

a. Pool Contract Address

Most of the time, you will need a pool contract address along with Network ID to query the on-chain data, especially when using the Pools Endpoints

Using /onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{address} as example:


There are 2 parameter values required to apply for this endpoint:

  • network: eth (network id)
  • address: 0xb4e16d0168e52d35cacd2c6185b44281ec28c9dc (pool contract address)

How to obtain the pool contract address? (Eg. WETH/USDC)

b. Token Contract Address

Apart from the pool contract address, you also have the option to query on-chain data by using the token contract address

Using /onchain/networks/{network}/tokens/{token_address}/pools as example:


There are 2 parameter values required to apply for this endpoint:

  • network: eth (network id)
  • address: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 (token contract address)

How to obtain tokens contract address (Eg. UNI):