π Endpoint Showcase
Discover how CoinGecko API is used at CoinGecko.com and GeckoTerminal.com

- /global - Display global crypto data such as number of active cryptocurrencies, exchanges and etc.
- /search/trending - Display trending search coins, nfts and categories
- /coins/top_gainers_losers - Display the largest gainers in 24h
- /coins/categories - Display all the categories list
- /coins/markets - Display all the supported coins with market related data

- /coins/{id} - Display all the coin data including name, price, market related data, website, explorers and etc.
- /simple/price - Display data such as latest coin price, market cap and 24hr trading volume
- /coins/{id}/history - Display the historical price data
/coins/{id}/market_chart - Display the historical data in line chart
/coins/{id}/market_chart/range - Display the historical data within time range
/coins/{id}/ohlc - Display the historical data in candlestick chart

- /exchanges/{id} - Display the exchange information such as name, type, market related data such as trading volume and etc.
- /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart - Display the historical volume chart data
- /exchanges/{id}/tickers - Display the exchange's tickers

- /nfts/{id} - Display NFT data such as name, contract address, website, market related data such as floor price, market cap, volume and etc.
- /nfts/{id}/market_chart - Display the historical market data in chart
- /nfts/{id} - Display the description of the NFT collection
- /nfts/{id}/tickers - Display the tickers of the NFT collection on different NFT marketplace
- /onchain/search/pools - Allow users to search for pools on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks - Display a list of supported networks on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/trending_pools - Display a list of trending pools across all networks on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/new_pools - Display all the latest pools across all networks on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/{network}/dexes - Display all the supported dex on a network on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/{network}/trending_pools - Display a list of trending pools on a network on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/{network}/new_pools - Display a list of new pools on a network on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/{network}/pools - Display all the top pools on a network on GeckoTerminal
- /onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{address} - Display pool data such as price, transactions, volume and etc.
/onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{pool_address}/info - Display pool information such as name, symbol, image url, description and etc. - /onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{pool_address}/ohlcv/{timeframe} - Display the OHLCV chart of the pool
- /onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{pool_address}/trades - Display the trades of the pool in the past 24 hours

- /onchain/categories - Display list of onchain categories with market data
- /onchain/categories/{id}/pools - Display list of pools with market data of a specific onchain category
Updated about 2 months ago