Pools by Category ID

This endpoint allows you to query all the pools based on the provided category ID



  • You can retrieve full list of categories id via this endpoint: Categories List.
  • You can retrieve tokens of a specific category, by flagging include=base_token.
  • GeckoTerminal categories are different from CoinGecko categories.



  • This endpoint returns up to 20 pools per page. Use the page param to navigate more results.
  • page: Pagination beyond 10 pages is available for Paid Plan subscribers (Analyst plan or above).
  • GeckoTerminal equivalent page example: https://www.geckoterminal.com/category/pump-fun
  • Cache/Update frequency: every 60 seconds.
  • Exclusive for all Paid Plan Subscribers (Analyst, Lite, Pro and Enterprise).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!