📡 Endpoint Overview



For Pro-API users (any paid plan subscribers), you get to access all the endpoints listed below, except those that marked with 👑.

  • Some endpoints may have parameters or data access that are exclusive to different plan subscribers, please refer to the endpoint reference for details.
  • In the API Reference section, the distinction between Paid Plan and Enterprise Plan endpoint access will be marked as below:
    • 💼 - exclusive for any Paid Plan subscribers: Analyst / Lite / Pro
    • 👑 - exclusive for Enterprise Plan subscribers only

CoinGecko Endpoints: Coins

/pingCheck the API server status
💼 /keyCheck account's API usage
/simple/priceQuery the prices of one or more coins by using their unique Coin API IDs
/simple/token_price/{id}Query the prices of one or more coins by using their unique Coin API IDs
/simple/supported_vs_currenciesQuery all the supported currencies on CoinGecko
/coins/listQuery all the supported coins on CoinGecko with coins ID, name and symbol
/coins/marketsQuery all the supported coins with price, market cap, volume and market related data
/coins/{id}Query all the coin data of a coin (name, price, market ... including exchange tickers) on CoinGecko coin page based on a particular coin ID
/coins/{id}/tickersQuery the coin tickers on both centralized exchange (CEX) and decentralized exchange (DEX) based on a particular coin ID
/coins/{id}/historyQuery the historical data (price, market cap, 24hr volume, ...) at a given date for a coin based on a particular coin ID
/coins/{id}/market_chartGet the historical chart data of a coin including time in UNIX, price, market cap and 24hr volume based on particular coin ID
/coins/{id}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data of a coin within certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap and 24hr volume based on particular coin ID
/coins-id-ohlcGet the OHLC chart (Open, High, Low, Close) of a coin based on particular coin ID
💼 /coins/{id}/ohlc/rangeGet the OHLC chart (Open, High, Low, Close) of a coin within a range of timestamp based on particular coin ID
💼 /coins/top_gainers_losersQuery the top 30 coins with largest price gain and loss by a specific time duration
💼 /coins/list/newQuery the latest 200 coins that recently listed on CoinGecko
👑 /coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chartQuery historical circulating supply of a coin by number of days away from now based on provided coin ID
👑 /coins/{id}/circulating_supply_chart/rangeQuery historical circulating supply of a coin, within a range of timestamp based on the provided coin ID
👑 /coins/{id}/total_supply_chartQuery historical total supply of a coin by number of days away from now based on provided coin ID
👑 /coins/{id}/total_supply_chart/rangeQuery historical total supply of a coin, within a range of timestamp based on the provided coin ID
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}Query all the coin data (name, price, market ... including exchange tickers) on CoinGecko coin page based on asset platform and particular token contract address
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chartGet the historical chart data including time in UNIX, price, market cap and 24hr volume based on asset platform and particular token contract address
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data within certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap and 24hr volume based on asset platform and particular token contract address
/coins/categories/listQuery all the coins categories on CoinGecko
/coins/categoriesQuery all the coins categories with market data (market cap, volume, ...) on CoinGecko

CoinGecko Endpoints: NFT

/nfts/listQuery all supported NFTs with id, contract address, name, asset platform ID and symbol on CoinGecko
/nfts/{id}Query all the NFT data (name, floor price, 24hr volume, ...) based on the NFT collection ID
/nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/{contract_address}Query all the NFT data (name, floor price, 24hr volume, ...) based on the NFT collection contract address and respective asset platform
💼 /nfts/marketsQuery all the supported NFT collections with floor price, market cap, volume and market related data on CoinGecko
💼 /nfts/{id}/market_chartQuery historical market data of a NFT collection, including floor price, market cap, and 24hr volume, by number of days away from now
💼 /nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/ {contract_address}/market_chartQuery historical market data of a NFT collection, including floor price, market cap, and 24hr volume, by number of days away from now based on the provided contract address
💼 /nfts/{id}/tickersQuery the latest floor price and 24hr volume of a NFT collection, on each NFT marketplace, e.g. OpenSea and LooksRare

CoinGecko Endpoints: Exchanges & Derivatives

/exchangesQuery all the supported exchanges with exchanges’ data (ID, name, country, ...) that have active trading volumes on CoinGecko
/exchanges/listQuery all the exchanges with ID and name
/exchanges/{id}Query exchange’s data (name, year established, country, ...), exchange volume in BTC and tickers based on exchange’s ID
/exchanges/{id}/tickersQuery exchange's tickers based on exchange’s ID
/exchanges/{id}/volume_chartQuery the historical volume chart data with time in UNIX and trading volume data in BTC based on exchange’s ID
💼 /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart/rangeQuery the historical volume chart data in BTC by specifying date range in UNIX based on exchange’s ID
/derivativesQuery all the tickers from derivatives exchanges on CoinGecko
/derivatives/exchangesQuery all the derivatives exchanges with related data (ID, name, open interest, ...) on CoinGecko
/derivatives/exchanges/{id}Query the derivatives exchange’s related data (id, name, open interest, ...) based on the exchanges’ ID
/derivatives/exchanges/listQuery all the derivatives exchanges with ID and name on CoinGecko

CoinGecko Endpoints: General

/exchange_ratesQuery BTC exchange rates with other currencies
/asset_platformsQuery all the asset platforms (blockchain networks) on CoinGecko
👑 /token_lists/{asset_platform_id}/all.jsonGet full list of tokens of a blockchain network (asset platform) that is supported by Ethereum token list standard
/searchSearch for coins, categories and markets listed on CoinGecko
/search/trendingQuery trending search coins, NFTs and categories on CoinGecko in the last 24 hours
/globalQuery cryptocurrency global data including active cryptocurrencies, markets, total crypto market cap and etc.
/global/decentralized_finance_defiQuery cryptocurrency global decentralized finance (DeFi) data including DeFi market cap, trading volume
💼 /global/market_cap_chartQuery historical global market cap and volume data by number of days away from now
/companies/public_treasury/{coin_id}Query public companies’ Bitcoin or Ethereum holdings

💼 Onchain DEX Endpoints (GeckoTerminal)

/onchain/simple/networks/{network}/token_price/{addresses}Get token price based on the provided token contract address on a network
/onchain/networksQuery all the supported networks on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/networks/{network}/dexesQuery all the supported decentralized exchanges (DEXs) based on the provided network on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/networks/trending_poolsQuery all the trending pools across all networks on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/networks/{network}/trending_poolsQuery the trending pools based on the provided network
/onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{address}Query the specific pool based on the provided network and pool address
/onchain/networks/{network}/pools/multi/{addresses}Query multiple pools based on the provided network and pool address
/onchain/networks/{network}/poolsQuery all the top pools based on the provided network
/onchain/networks/{network}/dexes/{dex}/poolsQuery all the top pools based on the provided network and decentralized exchange (DEX)
/onchain/networks/{network}/new_poolsQuery all the latest pools based on provided network
/onchain/networks/new_poolsQuery all the latest pools across all networks on GeckoTerminal
🔥 /onchain/pools/megafilterQuery pools based on various filters across all networks on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/search/poolsSearch for pools on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/tokens/{token_address}/poolsQuery top pools based on the provided token contract address on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/tokens/{address}Query specific token data based on the provided token contract address on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/tokens/multi/{addresses}Query multiple tokens data based on the provided token contract addresses on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/tokens/{address}/infoQuery specific token info such as name, symbol, CoinGecko ID, etc. based on provided token contract address on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{pool_address}/infoQuery pool info including base and quote token info based on provided pool contract address on a network
/onchain/tokens/info_recently_updatedQuery 100 most recently updated tokens info across all networks on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/networks/{network} /pools/{pool_address}/ohlcv/{timeframe}Get the OHLCV chart (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) of a pool based on the provided pool address on a network
/onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{pool_address}/tradesQuery the last 300 trades in the past 24 hours based on the provided pool address
/onchain/categoriesQuery all the supported categories on GeckoTerminal
/onchain/categories/{category_id}/poolsQuery all the pools based on the provided category ID