πŸ’Ό Coin OHLC Chart within Time Range by ID

This endpoint allows you to get the OHLC chart (Open, High, Low, Close) of a coin within a range of timestamp based on particular coin id.



  • You may obtain the coin id (api id) via several ways:
    • refers to respective coin page and find β€˜api id’
    • refers to /coins/list endpoint
    • refers to google sheets here
  • For historical chart data with better granularity, you may consider using /coins/{id}/market_chart endpoint



  • The timestamp displayed in the payload (response) indicates the end (or close) time of the OHLC data
  • Interval Options:
    • Daily Interval (interval=daily):
      • up to 180 days per request/ 180 daily interval candles
    • Hourly Interval (interval=hourly):
      • up to 31 days per request/ 744 hourly interval candles
  • Data availability:
    • Available from 9 February 2018 onwards (1518147224 epoch time)
  • Exclusive for all Paid Plan Subscribers (Analyst, Lite, Pro and Enterprise)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!