2. Get Historical Data



  • Most of the historical data are returned and queried using UNIX Timestamp. If you are not familiar with UNIX Timestamp, you may use tool like epochconverter.com to convert between UNIX Timestamp and human readable date
  • You may use either coin id or contract address to get the historical data

There are five different endpoints to get historical data of a coin:

/coins/{id}/historyGet the historical data (price, market cap, 24hrs volume, etc.) at a given date for a coin based on a particular coin id
/coins/{id}/market_chartGet the historical chart data of a coin including time in UNIX, price, market cap and 24hrs volume based on particular coin id
/coins/{id}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data of a coin within certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap and 24hrs volume based on particular coin id
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chartGet the historical chart data of a coin including time in UNIX, price, market cap and 24hrs volume based on token contract address
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data of a coin within certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap and 24hrs volume based on token contract address



The data granularity (interval) for /market_chart and /market_chart/range endpoints is automatic and based on the date range:

  • 1 day from current time = 5-minutely data
  • 1 day from anytime (except from current time) = hourly data
  • 2-90 days from current time or anytime = hourly data
  • above 90 days from current time or anytime = daily data (00:00 UTC)