✍️ Best Practices

Wonder how to use different endpoints together? This is the perfect place for you

User Journey for CoinGecko API Endpoints

"Discovery/Navigational Endpoints"


  • /coins/list — can be used to query all the supported coins on CoinGecko with names, symbols and coin IDs that can be used in other endpoints.
  • /search/trending — can be used to query trending search coins, categories and NFTs on CoinGecko.

"Supporting Endpoints"


  • /simple/supported_vs_currencies — can be used to query the list of currencies for other endpoints that include parameters like vs_currencies, allowing to obtain the corresponding data for those currencies.
  • /asset_platforms — can be used to query the list of asset platforms for other endpoints that contain parameters like id or ids (asset platforms), allowing the retrieval of corresponding data for these asset platforms.

"Data Endpoints"


  • /simple/price — can be used to query the prices of coins using the unique coin IDs that can be obtained from the "Discovery/Navigational Endpoints" mentioned above.
  • /coins/{id} — can be used to query the coin data using the unique coin IDs that can be obtained from the "Discovery/Navigational Endpoints" mentioned above.

User Journey for Onchain DEX API Endpoints (GeckoTerminal data)

"Discovery/Navigational Endpoints"


"Supporting Endpoints"


  • /onchain/networks-list - can be used to query all the supported networks on GeckoTerminal.
  • /onchain/networks/{network}/dexes - can be used to query all the supported decentralized exchanges (DEXs/dexes) on GeckoTerminal based on network id that can be obtained from the endpoint mentioned above.

"Data Endpoints"
