πŸ‘€ Common Use Cases

Discover the common use cases of CoinGecko API by our users

1. Get Coins Logo Images

  • Use /coins/{id} endpoint
  • This endpoint can be used to query other coin's metadata like: links, categories, contract address, community, description in different languages and many more

2. Best Endpoint for Latest Crypto Price

  • Use /simple/price endpoint
  • This endpoint can be used to query other market data like market cap, 24-hour trading volume and 24-hour price change percentage

3. Get All Trading Pairs (Tickers) of a Coin

4. Get Trading Pairs of Specific Coins from a Specific Exchange

5. Building Telegram Bot for Latest Coin Listings

  • Use /coins/list/new endpoint (Exclusive for Paid Plan Subscribers Only)

6. Get List of Coins Under Specific Category

7. Identify DEX Decentralized Exchanges

  • Use /exchanges/list endpoint to get full list of exchanges with id on CoinGecko

  • Use /exchanges/{id} to find out whether the exchange is centralized or decentralized

  • Example of responses (using Uniswap V3 as example) :

    Since Uniswap is a DEX, therefore it shows "centralized": false

      "name": "Uniswap V3 (Ethereum)",
      "centralized": false, πŸ‘ˆ
      "tickers": [],
      "status_updates": []

8. Get Bitcoin Dominance Data (BTC.D)

  • Use /global endpoint

  • Example of responses:

      "data": {
        "active_cryptocurrencies": 12414,
        "market_cap_percentage": { πŸ‘ˆ
          "btc": 47.82057011844006,πŸ‘ˆ
          "eth": 16.943340351591583,
        "market_cap_change_percentage_24h_usd": -5.032104325648996,
        "updated_at": 1706002730

9. Get Market Cap or Dominance of a Specific Ecosystem

  • Use /coins/categories
  • The endpoint also returns the 24-hour percentage change, offering insights into the traction of different categories or ecosystems

10. Get Token Lists of a Specific Blockchain Network

  • Use /token_lists/{asset_platforms_id}/all.json endpoint (Exclusive for Enterprise Plan Subscribers)
  • Supply asset platform id to the endpoint

11. Get 7-Day Sparkline Price Data of a Coin

12. Get Link to Individual CoinGecko Coin Page

  1. Use /coins/list endpoint to get the API ID of the coin
  • Supply API ID in this URL path format: www.coingecko.com/en/coins/{API_ID}
  1. If you wish to the obtain the URL slug of a specific CoinGecko Coin Page, e.g. www.coingecko.com/en/coins/{web_slug} you may use /coin/{id} endpoint and obtain the web_slug value.

13. Check Coin Status and Stale Price Updates

  • Active: use /coins/list endpoint, only active coins will be shown by default. You may also flag status=inactive to get list of inactive coins.
  • Price Stale: use /simple/price endpoint, flag include_last_updated_at = true to check latest update time

14. Get Real-Time and Historical Exchange of BTC in USD

15. Get watchlist portfolio data of a Coin

  • Use /coins/{id} endpoint by supplying coin id

  • Example of responses:

      "id": "bitcoin",
      "watchlist_portfolio_users": 1487932, πŸ‘ˆ
      "market_cap_rank": 1,

16. Get Historical Data for Inactive Coins

Note: this is available for paid plan subscribers only.

17. Get TVL (Total Value Locked) data of a Coin

  • Use /coins/{id} endpoint by supplying coin id
  • Example of responses:
    "btc": 72324,
    "usd": 4591842314